This book represents the culmination of my life’s work, which is my only source of income. It has taken over twelve long years to develop the theories described inside, many of which I have previously posted for free on the internet. Over the years, those posts have revolutionized pickup and seduction theory, and have changed thousands of lives. The pickup community has been enriched by mv ideas and mv teachings — that has been my gift to you. So to those with the capability and inclination to pirate this book, I ask that you please do not. This much respect I believe I have earned and am due. Thank you again for your interest and maybe well meet someday in the field.
This book contains a basic and complete description of the Mystery Method. It is intended to serve as a standard text and handbook for the practicing venusian artist.
About this Book
“Mystery Method” and “Venusian Arts” are trademarks used by The Mystery Method Corporation LLC, all rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express prior consent. Ail violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Each book is individually numbered and coded and can be individually identified. This individualized coding includes the buyer’s name, credit card number, billing address, expiry date, and cvvs number. Each book contains at least one deliberate typographical error -automatically generated in each book sale – and small variations in wording that are unique. Any book, or segment thereof, can be traced back to its original owner. Through the security software you are using, once we have identified a copy that is not being used by its original owner, that “invisible” biographical information can be made visible. Piraters are much more interested in identity theft and credit card fraud than they are in ebooks.
We have retained the Agency Security Group, Inc. to actively search file-sharing programs and sites to track those down who participate in intellectual property theft. Me have also set up a reward system for former students to identify illegal activity by offering to trade or buy books.
By opening this file, you agree that you will be held liable for civil damages including, but not limited to, lost sales and enforcement costs, if you share this book or any portion thereof with anyone else. We will also do everything in our power to make that these civil proceedings (and the nature of the book) as public as possible.
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