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Introduction the book of Write it Down, Make it Happen
In the 1920s and thirties, a host of titles appeared exclaiming (sometimes literally: Victory!!! Success!!! You can do it!!!) the wonders of the “science of thought”: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, Claude M. Bristol’s The Magic of Believing, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh, and then, in the fifties, David J. Schwartz’s The Magic of Thinking Big. Remarkably, all of these books are still in print and readily available at the bookstore now, fifty, sixty, even seventy years later. As archaic the language, quaint the examples, and blatant the sexism seem today, these books still hit a resonant chord with a modern audience.
One small pamphlet, written in1926and still circulating over a million and a half copies later, is simply called It Works by RHJ. This tiny tome sums up the staying power of these proponents of proactive, positive thinking. More than just a glossed-over, Pollyannaish, witless approach, they have an important message, which It Works! puts succinctly in its opening epigram:
All our years of brain research, all our current knowledge about the corpus callosum, the reticular activating system, and the workings of the human mind, and we are still left with an “aw shucks,” “golly gee” sense of wonder that “it works.”
Write It Down, Make It Happen keeps that sense of wonder and is grounded in the same nowscientific truth—that setting your intent, focusing on the outcome, being clear about what you want in life can make your dreams come true. There is another key element that comes into play, an element that each and every one of these long-lasting books has in common: The first step in all of them is to write down your goal.
نام این کتاب به فارسی: بنویس تا اتفاق بیافتد است.
- Knowing What You Want: Setting Goals
- Gathering Ideas: A Suggestion Box for the Brain
- Getting Ready to Receive
- Addressing Fears and Feelings
- Getting Unstuck: Writing Through to Resolution
- Doing It Easy: Listing
- Focusing on the Outcome
- Changing Your Environment: Get Near Water to Write
- Scripting Your Daily Life
- Becoming Committed
- Stacking Goals: Raising the Bar
- Starting a Group: What by When
- Taking the Initiative
- Writing Letters to God
- Resistance Has Meaning
- Creating a Ritual
- Letting Go, Creating Balance
- Giving Thanks
- Handling Breakdown
About Book
WRITE IT DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D.Self-HelpSome people keep journals, some jot down ideas on napkins and some scribble it down on any scrap of paper they find near at hand. Writing down what you want to do is one of the keys to success. The author of this insightful book states that in order to begin climbing the ladder of success, you should write down even those ambitions which have no practical means of accomplishment. The more attractive you make your ambition, the more others will want to play along to make your dream a reality. So appear on TV and give yourself permission to be totally unrealistic; conjure up dreams that if money were no object and time were not a factor you would definitely want to achieve. By the time you have finished reading this book and doing the exercises, you will know how to write it down and make it happen in your own life.
About the Author
HENRIETTE ANNE KLAUSER PH.D., is the president of Writing Resources and author of the popular books Writing on Both Sides of the Brain and Put Your Heart on Paper. Dr. Klauser has taught at the University of Washington, Seattle University, California State University, University of Lethbridge (Canada), and Fordham. She addresses national associations and leads workshops for corporations on topics of goal setting, writing, and relationship building. Her business clients include Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, Xerox, Hershey Foods, Armstrong World Industries, and International Data Group (publishers of MacWorld). Her international workshops include presentations in Canada; Cairo, Egypt; London, England; and the island of Skyros in Greece. She has recently been invited to join a delegation to China of international leaders in communication. Henriette has a special devotion to St. Joseph Cupertino, who taught her to approach life with an attitude of belief that what you pray for will, in fact, happen. She is the mother of four remarkable children and lives in Edmonds, Washington.
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