Herodian (Greek: Ἡρωδιανός), often referred to as “Herodian of Antioch,” was a Roman historian of Syrian origin, likely from Antioch, who lived between approximately 170 and 240 AD. Although he held a minor administrative role in the Roman bureaucracy, Herodian is best remembered for his vibrant historical work titled History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus (τῆς μετὰ Μάρκον βασιλείας ἱστορία). This eight-volume account chronicles the Roman Empire from the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD to the rise of Gordian III in 238 AD.
Herodian’s reliability as a historian has been debated, yet his relatively impartial portrayal of figures like Elagabalus has been considered more balanced than contemporary accounts, such as those by Cassius Dio. Despite his background suggesting a Syrian heritage, Herodian spent much of his life in Rome and appears to have lived to an advanced age, potentially during the early years of Gordian III’s reign. Beyond these details, little is known about his personal life or professional career.
هرودیان یا هرودیانوس (به یونانی: Ἡρωδιανός)، تاریخنگار رومی اهل سوریه (احتمالاً از انطاکیه) بود که در حدود سالهای 170 تا 240 میلادی میزیست. او، که در اصل یک کارمند جزء در ساختار اداری روم بود، تاریخ مفصلی به زبان یونانی با عنوان “تاریخ امپراتوری پس از مرگ مارکوس” نوشت. این اثر که در هشت جلد نوشته شده، دورهای از سال 180 میلادی (مرگ مارکوس اورلیوس) تا 238 میلادی (آغاز سلطنت گوردیانوس سوم) را پوشش میدهد.
هرودیان بیشتر به دلیل توصیفات زنده و رنگارنگ خود از وقایع شناخته میشود، اما دقت تاریخی نوشتههایش همواره مورد مناقشه بوده است. با این حال، روایتهای او از الگا بالوس (یکی از امپراتوران روم) کمتر متعصبانه و شاید قابل اعتمادتر از نوشتههای کاسیوس دیو باشد.
The Roman History of Herodian
Herodian’s historical narrative is a detailed first-person account of one of Rome’s most politically tumultuous eras. The work is divided into eight books:
1. Book I covers the reign of Commodus (180–192 AD).
2. Book II describes the “Year of the Five Emperors” in 193 AD.
3. Book III focuses on the reign of Septimius Severus (193–211 AD).
4. Book IV examines Caracalla’s rule (211–217 AD).
5. Book V narrates the reign of Elagabalus (218–222 AD).
6. Book VI explores the rule of Severus Alexander (222–235 AD).
7. Book VII recounts the reign of Maximinus Thrax (235–238 AD).
8. Book VIII details the “Year of the Six Emperors” in 238 AD.
Herodian wrote with an Eastern audience in mind, often explaining Roman customs and traditions unfamiliar to readers from the Eastern provinces of the empire.
کتاب “تاریخ روم” هرودیان شامل هشت جلد است و رویدادهای متنوع و پرفرازونشیب دوران امپراتوری روم را به ترتیب زمانی شرح میدهد:
1. جلد اول: دوره حکومت کومودوس (180-192 میلادی)
2. جلد دوم: “سال پنج امپراتور” (193 میلادی)
3. جلد سوم: سلطنت سپتیمیوس سوروس (193-211 میلادی)
4. جلد چهارم: دوران کاراکالا (211-217 میلادی)
5. جلد پنجم: حکومت الگا بالوس (218-222 میلادی)
6. جلد ششم: دوره سوروس الکساندر (222-235 میلادی)
7. جلد هفتم: سلطنت ماکسیمینوس ترکس (235-238 میلادی)
8. جلد هشتم: “سال شش امپراتور” (238 میلادی)
به نظر میرسد هرودیان کتابش را برای مخاطبان شرقی نوشته باشد، زیرا در متن خود به تفسیر و توضیح آداب و رسوم رومی پرداخته است.
Reception and Legacy
Herodian’s work has drawn mixed reviews over centuries. The 9th-century patriarch Photius praised his writing for its clarity, balance, and avoidance of unnecessary embellishments. Other historians, such as Zosimus and John of Antioch, used Herodian’s work as a source for their own histories. Early modern commentators also admired his style, with one 18th-century translator highlighting Herodian’s “majesty” and engaging narrative.
Despite these accolades, Herodian has faced criticism for inaccuracies, particularly in geography and historical detail. He occasionally compressed complex events, such as Caracalla’s northern campaigns (213–214 AD) or Maximinus’ battles along the Rhine and Danube (236–238 AD), into brief summaries. Nonetheless, modern scholarship has shown greater appreciation for his efforts, acknowledging his value as a primary source.
Herodian frequently modeled his style after Thucydides, incorporating rhetorical speeches, some of which were partly or wholly fictionalized. His narrative, though flawed, offers an invaluable perspective on the Roman Empire’s transformative years, balancing personal observation with historical storytelling.
دانلود کتابهای مشابه:
تاریخ هرودوت
تاریخ کتزیاس
کوروشنامه گزنفون
The Histories of HERODOTUS
Ctesias, History of Persia
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